Monday, November 30, 2020

The five steps of writing objectives

 The five steps of writing objectives:

 1.    List the goals of the instruction. An example would be: the student will be able to describe the domains of learning.

  2.    These goals should then be translated into observable or measurable items.
The example: The student will be able to define objectives, discuss five advantages and three limitations of objectives, list the domains of learning, and give an example of an objective within each domain.

 3.    The degree of detail must be considered. This will vary with the level of learning within various contexts or institutions and with the learner. We might take one of the above objectives and state: The student will be able to list the domains of learning with 90% accuracy.

 4.    The circumstances or conditions of evaluation must be stated. Will the student list the domains alone, or with an open book, within 15 minutes, and so on? The objective should include this information.

 5.    The next step would be to take the list of objectives and have them reviewed by other instructors and former and current trainees. The goal is to assess whether the objectives are measurable, clear, comprehensive, and achievable, and whether they adequately reflect course content. Adult learners, in particular, should be widely consulted on the earning objectives. This is practical and feasible in training situation, less so in educational institutions where goals are predetermined. 

Five Elements of Writing Objectives

 Objectives should contain the following five elements:-

1.    Who is to perform the desired behavior? Students and participants are the easiest to identify. In a training situation, where employees are not necessarily students in a classroom, more accurate descriptors might be
·       “all first-level supervisors,”
·       “anyone conducting selection interviews,” or
·       “all employees with more than one month of experience.”
the trainer is not the  “who, “although it is tempting for some trainees to write, for example, that the trainer will present five hours of information on communication. The goal of the instructor is to maximize the efficiency with which all students achieve the specified objectives, not just present the information.
2.    What is the actual behavior to be employed to demonstrate mastery of the training content or objective? Words like “type,” “run” and “calculate” can be measured easily. Other mental activities such as comprehension and analysis can also be described in measurable ways.
3.    And 4. Where and when is the behavior to be demonstrated and evaluated?  These could include “during  a 60 minutes typing test,” “on the ski hill with icy conditions,” “when presented with a diagram,” or “when asked to design a training session.” The tools, equipment, information and other source materials for training should be specified.

5.    What is the standard by which the behavior will be judged? Is the trainee expected to type 60 words per minute, with less than three errors? Can he student list five out of six categories?

A well written objective would read as follows

 A well written objective would read as follows:

The sales representative (who) will be able to make 10 calls a day to new customers in the territory assigned (what, where, when) and will be able to generate three (30%) sales worth at least $500 from these calls (how, or the criterion).
          The first attempt at writing objectives will be difficult. However, after some experience, a generalization of these planning skills will occur. Managers will start thinking in terms of management by objectives and performance appraisals using measurable results. People negotiating assignments and other work will evaluate the contract or objective in terms of its measurability.
          Representative workers should be involved in the development of the learning objectives. A team consisting of the trainer, trainees, and their supervisors would be ideal. At some point, the objectives should be reviewed with and approved by the executives of the organization and the supervisors of the trainees. Nadler cites a case in which a sales training programs, based on a needs analysis of sales representatives, was rejected by senior management because management were secretly planning fundamental organizational changes.

In summary, a learning objective contains an observable action, with a measurable criterion outlining conditions of performance. 

The Decision to Purchase or Design a Training Program


The Decision to Purchase or Design a Training Program:
Once it has been determined that a training program is an appropriate course of action to mange a performance problem, the human resource professional faces a make or buy decision. Many private training companies and consultants offer an extensive array of courses on general topics. In many cases, it is more economical for an organization to purchase these materials, packaged in professional formats, than to develop the materials themselves, which in many cases will be used only once or twice.
          The advantages of packaged programs are high quality, immediate delivery, ancillary services, the potential to customize the package to the organization, benefits from others implementation experience, extensive testing, and often less expense than internally developed programs.
          Training programs developed internally by an organization also have some advantages including security and confidentiality, use of the organization expertise, understanding of the specific target audience and organization, and the pride and credibility of having a customized program.
          Given the pros and cons of both alternatives, how does a training manager decide to purchase or design a training program? Obviously, one of the most important factors to consider is the cost of each alternative. A cost benefit analysis would be necessary to determine the best option. Some types of training programs will be much more costly to design than to purchase. However, there are other factors that should also be considered in addition to cost.
          Time is also a factor in terms of how soon the organization wants to begin training. Given the amount of time required to design a new training program, if there is a need or desire to begin training as soon as possible than the organization will need to purchase a training programs. In effect, the sooner that the organization wants to begin training the less likely there will be sufficient time to design a new training program.

          Another important consideration is the number of employees who will need to be trained and the extent to which future employees will also receive training. If a relatively small number of employees require training, then it is probably not worthwhile to design an entire training program. However, if a large number of current employees need to receive training as well as future employees, then designing a new training program from scratch makes more sense. In other words, to the extent that the training program will be used for many employees in both the sort and long term, a decision to design the program is more favorable. 

Program Design

 Program Design:-

The training and development process is the actual design of training programs. The needs analysis and training objectives to produce a blueprint for the design of a training program or course. Proper program design is important for four reasons.
First, a competently prepared training plan will make the task of competing for funding easier.
Second, a good plan will enable training activity to be directed toward real training problems, not symptoms of problems.
Third, the planning document will ensure that the problems under consideration can be solved by training and not some other intervention or method.

Fourth, good planning leads to enhanced credibility with line managers. All of these factors combined will help the training department implement and deliver sound training programs. 

Introduction to training Program Design

 Introduction to training Program Design:-

The design of a training program involves several phases. These phases are sequential, with the output of one phase becoming the input to the next. The first two of these phases
·       Needs analysis and
·       Setting objectives.
At this point in the training and development process, a number of critical activities and decisions need to be made that revolve around transforming training objectives into an actual training program.
          In particular, the following issues and activities need to be addressed during the program design stages:
ü Decide whether to purchase or design a training program
ü Determine the training content
ü Decide on a trainer for the program
ü Select the trainees to attend the program
ü Decide on the training methods
ü Identify the required training materials and equipment
ü Choose a training site
ü Schedule the training program
ü Prepare a lesson plan
ü Deliver the training program
The Decision of Purchase or Design a Training Program:

Once it has been determined that a training program is an appropriate course of action to manage a performance problem, the human resource professional faces a make or buy decision. Many private training companies and consultants offer a broad selection of courses on general topics.

the art of highlighting




SNAKE BITEKinds of snake:
1.    Water Snake
2.    Crobia Snake
3.    Viva Snake
4.    Black Snake
5.    Cobra Snake
6.    Blind Snake
7.    Snake

Sign and Symptoms of snake bite:
·       Bloody wound discharge                         زخم سے خون بہتا ہے۔
·       Swelling at the site of the bite                                             سوجن ہوتا ہے۔
·       Severe localized pain                                                                              درد ہوتا ہے۔
·       Diarrhea                                                    نظر کمزور ہو جاتی ہے۔
·       Burning                                              زخم کی جگہ پر جلن ہوتی ہے۔
·       convulsion                                               اکڑپن محسوس ہوتا ہے۔
·       Fainting                                                     غنودگی طاری ہوتی ہے۔
·       Weakness                                                 کمزوری پیدا ہوتی ہے۔
·       May be fever                                                 بخار ہو سکتا ہے۔
·       Vomiting                                                        قے ہو سکتی ہے۔
Sign and Symptoms of snake bite:
·       Bloody wound discharge                         زخم سے خون بہتا ہے۔
·       Swelling at the site of the bite                         16pt;">                     سوجن ہوتا ہے۔
·       Severe localized pain                                                                              درد ہوتا ہے۔
·       Diarrhea                                                    نظر کمزور ہو جاتی ہے۔
·       Burning                                              زخم کی جگہ پر جلن ہوتی ہے۔
·       convulsion                                               اکڑپن محسوس ہوتا ہے۔
·       Fainting                                                     غنودگی طاری ہوتی ہے۔
·       Weakness                                                 کمزوری پیدا ہوتی ہے۔
·       May be fever                                                 بخار ہو سکتا ہے۔
·       Vomiting                                                        قے ہو سکتی ہے۔

The Training Content

 The Training Content:

Once a decision has been made to design a training program, decisions must be made about the training content. This is a crucial stage as one wants to be sure that the training content matches the training needs and objectives. The importance of this has been noted Campbell who states, “by far the highest priority question for designers, user, and investigators of training is, what is to be learned? That is, what (specifically) should a training program try to accomplish, and what should the training content be?”
          You should have a good idea of the nature of the training content from the needs assessment and the training objectives. This is another reason why it is so important to conduct a thorough needs assessment prior to designing a training program. As well, employee’s current levels of knowledge and skills can be compared to the organization’s desired levels as indicated by the performance goals or objectives. The gap between the two represents the organization’s training needs and determines the precise content of the training course.

          However, even if one knows, for example, those employees have insufficient knowledge of how to conduct structured employment interviews; it still remains to be determined what content will be used in the training program. That is, we still need to translate training objectives into tainting content and to also determine the sequence in which the content will be learned. It is not sufficient to simply say that the training content should focus on structured interviewing.
          One of the most common and effective ways to identify training content is to consult with subject-matter experts who are knowledgeable in a particular area and know the topic well enough that they can specify the raining content. To determine the content of a training program to fulfill the training objective regarding structured employment interviews, one can consult with human resource professionals, consultants, or professors. It is also possible that some members of the organization’s human resource department will have some knowledge about structured employment interviews. On the basis of the subject-matter experts judgments one can identify the content required to achieve the training objective.
          A second source of training content is the research and theory that can be found in the academic and practitioner literature. In the case of structured employment interviews, there are dozens of articles and research papers on how to design and conduct structured interviews.

          A third possibility would be to purchase an off the shelf training program on structured employment interviews. This would likely include a lesson plan, an instructor’s guide, training materials and exercises, and perhaps a videotape. Whichever of those sources are used, it is important to realize that ultimately a judgment will have to be made about what content will best fulfill the training needs and objectives? This decision will not always be easy. 
Identified the following 15 ways that employment interviews can be structured to enhance the content and evaluation process of the interview:
  1.    Base questions on a job analysis.
  2.    Ask exactly the same questions of each candidate.
  3.    Limit prompting, follow-up questions, and elaboration on questions.
  4.    Use better types of questions.
  5.    Use longer interviews or more questions.
  6.    Control ancillary information.
  7.    Do not allow questions from candidates until after the interview.
  8.    Rate each answer or use multiple scales.
  9.    Use detailed anchored rating scales.
10.     Take detailed notes.
11.     Use multiple interviewers.
12.     Use same interviewers across all candidates.
13.     Do not discuss candidates or answers with other interviewers.
14.     Provide extensive interviewing training.
15.     Use statistical rather than clinical prediction.
In particular, trainees will be trained to conduct structured employment interviews according to the following learning behaviors:
1.    Ask exactly the same questions of each candidate.
2.    Limit prompting, follow-up questioning, and elaboration on questions.
3.    Use experience based interview questions.
4.    Do not allow questions from candidates until after the interview.
5.    Rate each interview answer using the scales for each question.
6.    Take detailed notes.

7.    Use statistical rather than clinical prediction. 

Self Contained Breathing Apparatus

Self Contained Breathing Apparatus 

A self contained breathing apparatus , or SCBA, sometimes referred to as a compressed air breathing apparatus, or simply breathing apparatus BA, is device worn by rescue workers, fire fighters and others to provide breathable air in an "immediately Dangerous to Life or Health" atmosphere IDLH. When not used underwater, they are sometimes called industrial breathing sets. The term "self contained" means that the breathing set is not dependent on a remote supply (e.g. through a long hose). If designed for use under water, it is called SCUBA (Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus).

An SCBA typically has four main components.
1.    a high pressure tank
2,216 to 4,500 psi, about 150 to 300 atmospheres
2.    a pressure regulator
3.    an inhalation connection
·       Mouthpiece,
·        mouth mask or
·       face mask,
4.    Carrying frame.
·       Mouthpiece,
·        mouth mask or
·       face mask,

A self contained breathing apparatus may fall into two different categories.

1.    open circuit
2.    closed circuit

Open circuit:

Open circuit filled with
·       filtered air
·       compressed air or
·       pure oxygen
Open circuit systems have two regulators,

1.    A first stage regulator to reduce the pressure of air to allow it to be carried to the mask.
2.     Second stage regulator to reduce it even further to a level just above standard atmospheric pressure.

This air is then fed to the mask via either
a demand valve (activation only on inhalation) or
a continuous positive pressure valve (providing constant airflow to the mask).

Open Circuit Rescue or Firefighting SCBA.
An open circuit rescue or firefighting SCBA has
·       a full-face mask
·       regulator
·       air cylinder
·       cylinder pressure gauge
·       harness
·       adjustable shoulder straps
·       waist belt
·       carrying Frame

The cylinder usually comes in one of three standard sizes:
1.    4 liter
2.    6 liter
3.    6.8 liter

Formula for calculation of cylinder's duration:
Volume (in liter) x Pressure (in bar) /40 – 10 in minutes (the 10 is subtracted to provide a safety margin)
For example:
A 6 liters cylinder, of 300 bars, is
6 x 300 /40 – 10
=       1800/40 – 10
=       45- 10
=       35 minutes working duration
Note: the relative fitness and especially the level of exertion of the wearer, often results in variations of the actual usable time that the SCBA can provide air, often reducing the working time by 25% to 50%.

Air cylinder made of
·       Aluminum
·       Steel
·       Composite construction (usually carbon fiber wrapped)
The composite cylinders are the lightest in weight and are therefore preferred by fire department.

The cylinder must be
·       Taken out of service after 15 years
·       Hydrostatically tested every 5 years.
Empty air cylinders can refilled from
·       Larger tanks in a cascade storage system or
·       Air compressor

Full face mask:
·       The full face mask of breathing apparatus designed for use out of water. 
·       The mask can have a big full face window, or small eye windows.
·       The mask might have a small orinasal breathing mask inside, reducing breathing dead space.
·       The mask can also incorporate a two-way radio communication.

Types of Use:
There are two major application areas for SCBA:
1.    Fire fighting
2.     Industrial
3.    Medical (now coming in to practice)
Fire fighting SCBA:
·       It is to be expensive because of flame resistance and light
·       Has ADSU (Automatic Distress Signal Unit)
·       If movement is not sensed for certain length of time, usually between 15 to 30 seconds.
·       Has PASS (Personal Alert Safety System)
·       When the cylinder air is for only 15 minutes remain