Monday, February 15, 2016


Image result for fainting  Seat a person who feels fain. Fan face or sponge with cool water. Lower head to knees to encourage blood flow. If he faints lay him down, turn head to the side, and wave smelling salts or spirits of ammonia under the nose. if the faint lasts more than a few minutes, call a physician, if person regains consciousness, keep him quite and lying down for 15 minutes. 

Image result for poison
    If patient is unconscious, do not attempt to treat except with artificial respiration, if needed. Conscious patients of corrosive poison (which destroy tissue, e.g. acids) should be given large quantities of milk to drink. With narcotics (e.g. sleeping pills) the patient should be made do vomit by touching the back of his throat or giving him two tablespoons of salt in a glass of warm water to drink.

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